THE MULTICULTURAL... Now that we've found the internet...

Connected all are we; in our inhibited and ego blocked levels of consciousness to the super conscious; in our alien DNA to Mitochondrial Eve; and now our many electronic devices to the internet.

Advancing technology across culture, building constantly on the platforms of desk-top publishing and e commerce; soon we can all write, record, produce, publish and distribute from anywhere, everywhere, anytime, all the time. What will we do with that? Share? Embrace each other? Confront history? Tell the truth? Save the world? Entertain? Educate? Evolve?

Being so saturated by this wired world of information overload…we are forgetful. When established institutions unearth themselves in corruption, hidden agendas, scandal, and conspiracy in front our very eyes we are paralyzed. As mainstream news media becomes biased and just as credible as every other tabloid and blogger in the bloggersphere we become skeptical. With so many sources mainstream and otherwise, we should be less gullible and more inquisitive. Amongst all the commercialization and watering down of creativity for mass production we just want the fresh, the cool, the entertaining, the truth; to be aware and more cultured.

This is me putting things in perspective … Welcome to The Multicultural.blogspot, a memory dump of all things I’d hate to forget and feel a need to share. Perhaps at the very least I can clear enough memory to process data, spark a debate, stretch my writing muscles, or know what to do with loose change.

The MC

Now that we've found the internet, what are we gonna do with it?

Youtube, an anthropological introduction, presented by Michael Wesch at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008

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