Animated snippets from 2007 release, directed by Chris Atkins
"A documentary about the prolific nature of the statutes that Blair (AKA Bliar)'s government have introduced over the past decade, that not only contradict what Blair promised the British People in his campaign for the Premiership at the 1997 election, but more worryingly, contravene our human rights and our civil liberties. this film is both hilarious and terrifying" Helen Clifton.
Perhaps you'd be interested to read about the Governments 'Big brother' plan to log calls and emails of all persons in Britain.
'Judges gave Usyk Christmas gift' - Fury reacts to loss
Tyson Fury refuses to accept he lost his rematch against unified
heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk and claims the judges gave him a
"Christmas gift".
1 hour ago
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