Dan Rather talks about corrupt corporate media

Yes... the penny dropped for me while watching Ring of Power as they started going into corporate ownership of all the media houses.

History's greatest conspiracy theories

Test your conspiracy theory knowledge over at telegraph.co.uk with the 30 most prevailing theories in history...

21. Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen - Theorists believe that President Franklin Roosevelt provoked the Japanese attack on the US naval base in Hawaii in December 1942, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn his fleet commanders. He apparently needed the attack to provoke Hitler into declaring war on the US because the American public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. Theorists believe that the US was warned by the governments of Britain, the Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union that a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was coming and that, furthermore, the Americans had intercepted and broken all the important Japanese codes in the run up to the attack. Read in full...

The miracle of self creation Pt2: Charles Eisenstein

If we are to end the war against the self, the struggle to be good, and the war against nature that goes along with it, we must instead trust nature. First and foremost that means to trust our own nature: our built-in guidance system of pain and pleasure, aversion and desire. To do so runs counter to several thousand years of conditioning, so we may be excused if it takes a bit of time to learn the new habit of self-trust.

Charles Eisenstein serves up his second half of reality sandwich, didnt you read part one?

Our desires pull us toward wholeness. In wholeness is bliss. Neither health nor virtue nor spirituality will come in defiance of pleasure and desire. The pleasure of meeting our desires and fulfilling our needs is not some trick of the universe designed to divert us from our path. Desire is the path. Read in full...

A window into the future of sound - Michael Garfield

A very cool article from Michael Garfield over at Reality Sandwich about advancing sound technology. From Audio spotlight that projects sound to one location like a beam of light, to mind reading headsets and their many applications.

The way we listen to music today is not going to last. A bevy of new technologies is set to radically change our relationship to auditory media. Novel speaker materials, remarkable advances in recording equipment, and pioneering mind-machine interfaces have perched our culture on the verge of a world we might scarcely recognize: where music can be played back on any surface; where headphones have been replaced by custom, isolated, open-air audioscapes; and where we don't even need mouths to sing or hands to play our instruments. For your consideration, I present the following major innovations – each of which, sooner or later, will force us to reconsider how we think about communication. Keep reading...

Self aware robots?

so where are we now with robots taking over the world?...
Robots that are self aware...oh... ok...

Hod Lipson demonstrates a few of his cool little robots, which have the ability to learn, understand themselves and even self-replicate.

Feeling kinda 007?

No I'm not talking Daniel Craig 'Quantum of Emotions', I'm talking 1970's Roger Moore submarine car, gimme the gadgets!...

Gibbs Aquada

Innespace Dolphin

Gibbs Quadski

and the completely submersible …

Rinspeed Squba

Now these two certainly aren’t James Bond and 'Bond girl' but you see what Q’s been up to right

Boston Dynamics - Big Dog

Boston Dynamics releases a new video of its Big Dog (the worlds most advanced quadruped robot) moving over different terrain. Jaw dropping to say the least...

Zimbabwe's $1M bank note

A vendor in Harare shows off Zimbabwe's new $1m banknote US$10, £6 issued as people struggle with the world's highest official inflation rate of 231m%

The miracle of self creation - Charles Eisenstein

We all sense the possibility of a more beautiful state of being, a more joyful state of being for ourselves and the world...
Let's be really really practical, and ask, "How can I stop expressing negativity?" "How can I stick with my exercise program?" "How can I find the courage to live my ideals?" "How can I stop caving in to my boss?" If none of these are relevant to you, think of one of your own habits of speech, action, or thought that causes pain, and which has resisted your most determined efforts to alter....
Let me give you an example. A motorist cuts in front of me. Here are two of the stories that offer themselves for my attention: (1) "How could she? Learn to drive, lady. The nerve of some people. I'd certainly never do that. People are always cutting in front of me, and not just in traffic. They are so selfish. Why isn't it ever my turn? I'm always so considerate, and look what I get? Nothing. No one even notices..." (2) "That lady must be in a hurry! I'm glad I was able to slow down and let her in. I bet a lot of people get mad at her. Maybe she's so tired she didn't even notice me. Luckily the universe can accommodate our mistakes."...
If you want to change the way you think, speak, and act, you can only do so by recreating your self. You cannot enforce behavioral changes through will, nor through the program of threat and incentive that we mistake for will. read in full...

An interesting essay on self analysis, reminder that we must pay more attention to our thoughts where our experience begins.

Obama = Change

November 4th, 2008
Senator Barack Obama becomes 44th - and first black - US President (elect)

Photosynth demo - Blaise Aguera

Using photos of often snapped subjects (like Notre Dame) scraped from around the Web, Photosynth creates breathtaking multidimensional spaces with zoom and navigation features that outstrip all expectation. Its architect, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, shows it off in this standing-ovation demo. TED conference 2007

Learn more at Photosynth.net