A window into the future of sound - Michael Garfield

A very cool article from Michael Garfield over at Reality Sandwich about advancing sound technology. From Audio spotlight that projects sound to one location like a beam of light, to mind reading headsets and their many applications.

The way we listen to music today is not going to last. A bevy of new technologies is set to radically change our relationship to auditory media. Novel speaker materials, remarkable advances in recording equipment, and pioneering mind-machine interfaces have perched our culture on the verge of a world we might scarcely recognize: where music can be played back on any surface; where headphones have been replaced by custom, isolated, open-air audioscapes; and where we don't even need mouths to sing or hands to play our instruments. For your consideration, I present the following major innovations – each of which, sooner or later, will force us to reconsider how we think about communication. Keep reading...

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